Wednesday 19 August 2015

Discussion with Dr.Anil Kakodkar Part-2

Q: Sir, why is the Higgs-Boson particle known as the God Particle?

A: Before we get into the Higgs Boson particle we have to first understand how these particles and their theories come across. Before we could only see those particles that were larger than the wavelength of light. So seeing something that is smaller than the wavelength is very difficult. Although, now scientists have found ways of doing that, but still it is a challenge. So instead of seeing it with light, you start seeing with x-rays, because the wavelength of x-rays is smaller so you can see smaller things. You can see things through electrons for which we have Electron Microscope. But, we are talking about particles that are even smaller than all these. So the people have created theories. But of course, if we just a create theory and bring out the mathematics of it that doesn’t get accepted unless there is an experimental evidence. So, according to that theory of standard model there were some other particles that should be there; several of these particles were found but some still weren’t detected. 

A scientist by the name Higgs had predicted that there must be a Boson like particle with a certain mass. Now Boson is named after our Indian scientist, Bose; which is a family of particles. So the people started searching for that particle but the experimental facility for that wasn’t up to the mark. With facilities that were existing till the Large Hadron Collider at CERN became operational, it was not possible to identify that particle. 

That was also one of the reasons for setting up the multi-billion facility: the Large Hadron Collider. The scientist who predicted that of course wrote a paper on the particle. It was such an elusive particle, and there are many such elusive things even now over which work is being done. Now apparently, how much truth is in it I don’t know, but apparently the story goes that in his paper he used the phrase that ‘this God Damn Particle is Elusive!’ Now since this was a scientific paper, the editor of the journal said that ‘no, you cannot use such language’. So that phrase wasn’t published in the journal. But then people said that instead of calling it ‘God Damn Particle’ at least let’s call it ‘God Particle’, because it was extremely elusive. But, this is hearsay; there is no hard documented basis for it. But, this is the story.

Q: Sir, Can we use the Nuclear Waste for beneficial purpose?

A: The principle of sustainability says that there are a lot of things to learn from nature. One important lesson of that is to think that there is nothing which can be declared waste. Everything is a waste for a particular processes or a particular operation, nut it will have value somewhere else.  If we organize ourselves on that road, then we maintain mother earth in a sustainable manner. So that’s the broad principle. Now, coming to nuclear waste: Why would you call something a nuclear waste? Because there is radioactivity. Chemical waste is because there is chemical toxicity; it could be poisonous or can create harm in some or the other manner. So anything that has toxicity or no useful value, we call it waste. In nuclear waste the harm is associated with radiation in excess quantity and it has no useful value. Because toxicity by itself can be no criteria, as there are many pesticides which are toxic in nature and of course have to be used in a scientific manner, but are otherwise toxic. 

If nuclear waste emits radiation and has no other use then why should we suffer from that radiation? That was the concern. Now, the problem is that in many countries particularly the west where nuclear development took place first with weapons. The nuclear Bomb came into existence earlier than the nuclear power reactor. 

So the people of the countries which acquired nuclear Bomb were quite worried that if other countries also get this technology then they could also make a bomb and then it would become a threat. It is like Bhasmasura, Bhasmasura is very powerful but if it goes out of hand then it can kill you also. They thought like that and they said that the Nuclear Weapons are made out of Plutonium. Plutonium is not available in nature. Plutonium is produced in a nuclear reactor when Uranium is eradicated. So they said that is eradiated uranium should simply be buried and nobody should recycle that.  Because if it is recycled then they will get plutonium and they can make a nuclear bomb, which they saw as a threat.  So, if you use uranium for the power reactor and simply bury it afterwards, it’s a waste, it is a serious problem. In United States they have several lakh tones of spent fuel just waiting for disposal. This waste even cannot be disposed; they talk about creating a repository, a geological repository, bury it deep underground so that no harm will come to humanity. But, if you do that maybe after 100 or 200 years a large part of the radioactivity will die down, radioactivity has a half life, it keeps on decaying. But, Plutonium half life is very long hence you are creating a Plutonium mine. When they realized this Plutonium mine consequence, they said even that you cannot do. So the advanced countries have still not been able to solve the Nuclear Waste Problem. Hence world over there is this fear that Nuclear Waste is a big problem. Now, actually it need not be like that. 

For example in countries like India & France, we don’t follow that policy, we say we must recycle. When you recycle, most of the material whether it is Plutonium or Uranium can be recovered, and once you recover you can make new fuel out of it, put it back in the reactor and again get energy. So what is left is fission products. So the 99% problem is solved. 

Now the 1% problem that is the radioactive fission product, even some of them are very useful. For example you carry out vulcanization of tires or cross linking of polymers this can be done in many ways, there can be chemical, there can be thermal; similarly radiation is one method.  Instead of creating special radiation source, countries like China, thought why we don’t use this radioactive fission products. Also you can carry out radiation processing of food. For that you create radioactive Cobalt and that becomes the source. Now much cheaper and much more effective way is to separate Caesium which is a fission product in Nuclear Waste and you create radiation source out of that Caesium. 

If you do this then you have saved money on creating radioactive source, preservation of food products, you have eliminated the waste problem because you have recycled. So like that there are several uses that have been found. In India we are in the phase of carrying out research, to bring down the radio-toxicity of the nuclear waste down to that of Uranium mine, because radio-toxicity without any use is waste. And Uranium mines have been in existence in nature since generations and we have lived with it. So we bring down the radio-toxicity to the level of Uranium mine in a matter of 300 years. That is the objective of research and a lot of progress has been made. In fact, France was the first to set up such an objective and so has India. And once this you do that there is no waste. This is true in anything, say agriculture. In agriculture there is a lot of waste, you burn it, it creates smoke, it creates problem. You make compost it becomes good manure. So what is waste and what has value depends on the philosophy of the person. 


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