Friday, 29 May 2015

Space explored from the terrace of Charotar Education Society!

As the Charotar Education Society is celebrating its 100 years of its establishment, constant efforts are made that not a single aspect of development remains untouched during the process. So as a part of the centenary celebration, the program of star gazing was organized on 26 May 2015 at the BRD School of Bio Science Department, Bakrol.

In the presence of the chief guests Dr. Vinod N Patel (Professor at GCET College), Dr Nikhilbhai Patel (Jeevandeep Hospital) & Dr. M Natarajan (H.O.D, BRD School of Biosciences), more than 100 intellectual students & 200 parents participated in the progarmme with great enthusiasm under the expert guidance of Dr. Brijmohan Thakor and Dr. Brijeshbhai Parekh.

On seeing the active participation of the students who were standing in a queue in a disciplined manner for viewing the space from large telescope, the chairman of CES Mr. Nirav Patel and secretary Mr. Ketan Kumar Patel were impressed and happy that the motive of the all round development of the students is becoming a reality and appreciated the hard work & dedication of the employees of CES.

Such programmes of sky gazing will be regularly organized on monthly basis. The details of the programmes will be published on the prior dates in the newspapers. 


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